Sunday, February 4, 2018

The way you can make a blog in some simpls steps!!

In our present age making website is the way of earning money.One of the the popular or famous website is blogging.Blogging is one kind of website through which you can earn money in some making an blog we have to follow some specific rules,The rules are given below;

1)First you have to go on google or chrome then you have to search

2)Then you have to click on the first one ,then you have to give some information for creating the blog

Your name
Your gmail and its password

3)Then an page will appear in your screen there you have to give some information these are given below

Your website username

Your website username domain

Then you can create an official blog

So that are the way how you can create or build  a blog for free

If any kinds of problem report us in the comment section!!

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